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From an e-mail sent late last night (early this morning):

Dear Colorado,

I don't know you, you don't know me... As far as I know, you weren't on Daily Kos when I was. So I have to wonder how it is that you got the impression that I "... seemed to relish in hurting others," which is why you take offense in being compared to me as a diarist. I suppose you're compared to me because you use profanity (people have small imaginations in that way). And I suppose you've developed your opinion of me based on hearsay. I'd appreciate it if you'd just hear me out on this: I NEVER have relished hurting anyone. And I don't know how anyone worth believing could ever give that impression of me. But then, the longer I am away from DKos, the further the mythology expands. It is painful to read some of the bizarre bullshit that is said about me; hell, it was painful enough to read the INITIAL lies, let alone the ludicrous mythology that has built up over the years.

At any rate, as someone who doesn't even know me, I'd really appreciate it if you'd at least take the time to read some of my work before you continue saying things about me that are untrue. I am a deeply empathetic person who tries her best to NOT hurt people's feelings. If I HAVE hurt people in the past, believe me, I go over my tracks with a fine toothed comb and try to make amends for it; it's something I have to do to be able to sleep at night.

In case you're wondering how it is that I came to write this letter to you... I happened upon your comment mentioning me a few minutes ago and it stung. Nobody likes to read shit like that about themselves, even if it's written by total strangers.

be well,
Maryscott O'Connor

Well now, MSOC! It's a damned good thing I got me this handy sandbox here, so's I can hide my head in it for awhile.
I hate it when I'm a fucking asshole.

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